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Debian is one of the most popular Linux distributions of all time, and now it got a new version release...
How do I reboot my Linux based system? How do I reboot a remote Linux system or server using command...
How do I use chmod and chown command under Linux / Unix operating systems? Use the chown command to change...
We have a list of numbers or strings, and we want to append items to a list. Basically, we can use...
How do I check CPU temperature in OpenSUSE Linux using a command line and GUI tools on my Thinkpad laptop?...
I am a new Linux system user. How do I check os version in linux command line? Linux is a...
I am trying to delete a directory in Linux using the rmdir dir1 command. But, I am getting an...
For linux to automatically perform tasks that you would otherwise have to perform yourself, such as running scripts and executing...
In this article, we explain special permissions that work on files and directories named as Stickybit, SUID and SGID. The...
When I type ffmpeg -i input output.mp4 on Fedora Linux, I get an error: “bash: ffmpeg: command not found…”. How...
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